Ajax Brand Site – UI/UX
Nov 10, 2016
First of all, this is not a site about the programming language but there is actually a name of a product called: Ajax Systems. Aside from the very common product name, we are taking a look at the design and art direction work by Iurii Lence. He is based from Kyiv, Ukraine and he is also the Head of Design over Ajax Systems.
Being part as a current member of the jury board on theFWA, lurii has been awarded in the past with by Red Dot, theFWA and Awwwards. As for Ajax Systems, we are taken on dark theme site with micro-interactions, they seems to be more trendy as of late. Subtle interactions that doesn’t bother the users but do add a smoother experience.
More information about Lurii via Behance or see the site live at http://ajax.systems.