Art Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World Cuisines

Art Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World Cuisines

Art Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World Cuisines

May 29, 2018

We are sharing the work from Omar. Aqil and Duck Knees who have worked with Expedia on both respectively on Art Direction and Ilustration. Based on the concept of Synaesthesia (which is a form of a condition.) that you can sense the causes of an involuntary reaction in one or more of the other senses. Based on that personal experience, you get such a great idea and in the end, it’s such an explosive concept worth taking a look at. Props for their work!


Art Direction & Illustration

Art Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World CuisinesArt Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World CuisinesArt Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World CuisinesArt Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World CuisinesArt Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World CuisinesArt Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World CuisinesArt Direction & Illustration: The Flavors of World Cuisines