Beautiful Motion Design for Auto UI
Oct 27, 2016
Gleb Kuznetsov shared some quite beautiful motion design projects for Automotive UI. on his Dribbble page. They seem to be for the new Fantasy Auto Lab project done by the amazing people over at Fantasy, a Human-centered UI & UX studio based in New York and Silicon Valley. One of the reasons I thought it would be cool to share this projects is because it has a Tron look, quite different from what we have been seeing since flat design, if that is even a style, became popular. There’s much more to love than just the style. The animations and details are top notch and make me want to see the full project.
Auto UI – Motion Design
Gleb Kuznetsov is a design director with 15+ years of experience in product design, User interfaces, Usability area including automotive, mobile OS, Apps, Web, TV, Ecosystems, more than 500 B2C projects. For more information check out