Have you ever tried Google Docs?
If your answer is No, then this blog post is a must read for you as it will help you in understanding how to use Google Docs without any hassles.
If you want to explore a better version of Microsoft Word, Google Docs is recognized as the world’s most popular online word processors. Believe it or not, but Online Google Documents has undeniably changed the way one works.
From working in the real-time to collaborating with your team or business clients, Google Docs comes with impressive features that you will go gaga over. Do you know, how?
Through this blog post, I am sharing some exciting yet powerful features of Google Documents that will definitely enrich your overall work experience.
To access Google Documents, all you need is a Google Account, and if you don’t have one, then you have to create the one to discover never tried features.
Features: Google Docs
I’ve compiled a list of impressive features that will help you use Google Docs to its full potential. Here’s the list!
#1 Work via different Templates
Click on Google “Docs home icon” to view various template options for creating unique documents. Usually, we create blank documents, but Google Docs lets you create different documents by picking different template options as shown in the image below.
#2 Add-Ons to augment your experience
Besides offering a plethora of features, Add-Ons feature in Google Docs lets you enrich your experience with the help of multifarious third-party tools that are completely compatible and seamless.
To get Add-ons, you can simply click on Add-ons from the menu bar and search different third-party tools.
#3 Download docs into various file formats
Google Docs can be downloaded into various file formats such as:
Microsoft Word
OpenDocument format
PDF document
Rich Text Format
Plain Text Web Page
Web Page
EPUB Publication
To download your Google Document in other file formats, you can simply click on File from the menu bar, scroll down and click on “Download as.” After doing so, you can select from the options as you like.
#4 Restore revisions in your docs
“Revision History” is another most popular feature in Google Docs that allows to restore the changes that you previously made in the document.
To see the revision history of your document, you can click on File from the menu bar and select “see revision history.”
Or you can give a keyboard command Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H to directly see the changes in detail or click on a specific change to restore the revision.
#5 Go hand’s free by enabling Voice typing
Voice typing is one of my favorite features in the Google Documents. When you enable voice typing feature in Google document, it automatically types as you say.
To enable this feature, you can use a keyboard command Ctrl+Shift+S or simply go in Tools section of the menu bar and click on voice typing feature to get started.
#6 Google it out via your documents
How many times do you open different tabs for clearing your doubts by searching almost anything on Google or any other search engine?
I know, we often do so by clicking on multiple tabs at a time. But with an “explore feature,” in your Google Document, you can easily search anything in three easy ways.
Click on Explore Icon on the right-hand side at the bottom of your document.
You can go into the Tools category in the menu bar and select Explore. Once you do it, you’ll see a new tab on the right-hand side of your document.
You can also give a direct keyboard command: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I to explore anything without even clicking your mouse.
#7 Get a perfect formatting
When you copy content from the web and paste in your document, it entirely changes your document style with irregular font size, style and text effects.
Via a Clear Formatting feature, you can eliminate formatting, and get back to the standard style that you usually use in your doc.
#8 Add more fonts to your docs
Are you bored of trying same old text fonts in your document? Don’t worry, as Google Docs lets you explore and add unique fonts.
To get started, just click on the drop down option on the right side of your already selected font in the sub menu bar in your document.
After clicking on it, you can click on the More Fonts to find more fonts depending on Popularity, Alphabetical, Date added and Trending.
Or else, search the one you’re looking. Once you find it, you can simply click on “Ok” and your selected form will show up in the list of your already selected fonts.
#9 Allow people to edit, suggest or view
With advanced sharing settings, you can have better control over who gets access right to your document. You can even customize the document’s sharing settings and allow other people to make requisite changes in the document.
As a document owner, you can allow them to view docs in editing mode, suggesting mode or viewing mode only.
The best part is, every mode offers different accessibility rights to the people.
Editing Mode: The user can edit the document directly.
Suggesting Mode: In this mode, the user won’t be able to edit the document directly, but can suggest edits only. This mode is good as a person is unable to make direct changes, and it’s up to the owner to accept to reject the suggestion.
Viewing Mode: Via this option, the user won’t be able to make edits or suggest anything. That person can only view the document.
#10 Tag people in your comments
You may not be aware, but Google Document lets you tag people in a document. When you work on a single document with a team, you can assign tasks to other team members by adding a comment.
Simply hover your mouse on the edge of your document, once you do so, you’ll see a comment icon in your document.
Click on it, type a “+” sign and you will see the Email address of your team members. Now you can now select the email address of the person and add your comment.
Once you tick on “Assign to name of the addressee” option in the document, that person will be notified via an Email too.
#11 Shortcut keys for easier navigation
Keyboard shortcuts is the best way to get things done quickly without having the need to click your mouse. You can explore a list of popular keyboard shortcuts via Ctrl+/ or access it by clicking on “Help from the menu bar” and click on Keyboard shortcuts.
I believe that learning keyboard shortcuts saves your time, effort and lets you navigate easily through the document.
Wrapping up
These mind-boggling features will certainly enhance your overall experience and let you to stay more productive in your regular chores at work.
So, what are your still wondering? Just create a Google account and explore the unlimited features.
Danish Wadhwa is a strategic thinker and an IT Pro, with more than 6 years of expertise in the digital marketing industry. He is one of the most inspirational bloggers and the founder of https://worduct.com.
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