Motion Design: Nickelodeon Kids Pick The President
Jan 24, 2017
Nickelodeon Kids pick The President is a motion design and illustrations project shared by M A D E B Y R A D I O. As the name suggest, its a series of illustrations and motion design work for the 2016 presidential election in the USA. There’s just too many things to love about this motion design project. Starting for the amazing sketches, that by themselves, would have been enough for us to feature the project. The translation to 3D is for lack of better word, stunning. It is fun and really smooth. The inflatable White House is one of my favorite pieces.
We worked with Nickelodeon to create a bunch of animated spots for the 2016 Presidential Election. Nickelodeon stages their own child based national election and has correctly predicted the winner every single time – except for once.
M A D E B Y R A D I O is a creative studio based in London and Cape Town specialising in illustration, iconography, lettering & motion design. For more information please check out their website at:
Motion design process
Final renders