Reinventing the Cigar Pipe
Nov 07, 2016
I just love going through students projects, they are so creative and some of them really show such craftsmanship to the idea and execution. And I also love the fact of reinventing something that lived through the ages and put it back in time with our new mindset and technology. Some of us might disagree but I do believe on reinventing the wheel.
Let’s take a look at the work of Steve Bae who is a student and industrial designer based in Seoul, Korea. He decided to redesign the famous cigar pipe from Peterson of Dublin, the same cigar pipe from one iconic fictional character and it’s Sherlock Holmes. One thing to point out is Steve also refined the main functionality for the next generation and the cigar is in fact a vaporizer. What do you think of this redesign?
The Peterson of Dublin is an irish cigar pipe company famous for their craftsmanship. The company celebrated their 150th anniversary in year 2015. As an industrial designer I started this project to commend the heritage of their craftsmanship and history, The company is well known and loved by pipe smokers for their Sherlock Holmes Series established on 1987. This project focuses on proposing the next generation of Sherlock Holmes Series as a vaporizer of today’s needs to honor the original model they started in 1987.
More information via Behance.